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Writer's pictureReshma Jain

From the fear of dogs to becoming best friends

Shivani has a 10 year old Indie-mix dog named Candy, who she adopted from an adoption camp she was volunteering at, back in 2014. Her mother was pregnant when she was rescued by a kind lady, who fed her and later got all of her puppies (one of which is candy) adopted. She always longed for a dog's companionship but had no plans of taking a pet home that day, it just happened.

After getting Candy, she made a lot of lifestyle changes. "All the way from looking after her vet visits, her grooming, her diet and exercise needs, I had also started doing a lot of research and started educating myself more about dogs. I started coming home early, started taking time out to engage and play with her. I was never an outdoor person, with her I started going to the beach, going for treks, to pet friendly cafes and literally went for daily walks," she said.

She was studying psychology then and had all the plan to be a mental health practitioner but immediately took a U turn and diverted all of her time and resources into helping community animals, she turned vegan for animals and took up Canine and Feline behavior professionally. She wanted to help more and more animals.

While her mother was always an animal person and loved both cats and dogs, her father was always very scared of dogs. He had a set of conditions, he said " I am okay as long as this little thing doesn't come to me and obviously I'm not okay with it licking me or my stuff".

Shivani said, "While we assured him, she would not come to him, deep inside I was wondering how I would manage that. It was challenging. From that day, till today, my father absolutely loves and adores her. He plays with her, she licks his palms and he allows her, he ensures all her needs are looked after and that we aren't neglecting her. He started video calling us only to speak to candy, he would buy her toys, and met airport dogs all by himself. He actually told me, all thanks to her, my fear of dogs has decreased and I am starting to love them."

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