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Writer's pictureReshma Jain

Nomnom is my emotional anchor

Pakhi Das brought Nomnom home in November 2020, and she was exactly what the family needed. Growing up with pets was a huge part of her life, and when she moved out for studies and work in 2017, she missed them terribly. After losing both her cat and dog in 2019, her heart was left with a big, empty space. When she moved back in with her family due to COVID in 2020, the house felt hollow. Nomnom came into their lives and filled that emptiness with her warmth and love.

“She’s our little princess—before I even think about my own outfits for special occasions, hers are sorted out first. Her birthday parties are a big hit, with kids from our neighborhood coming over for games, cakes, and cuddles. She’s truly the heartbeat of our family,” said Pakhi.

On the toughest days, when everything feels overwhelming, she’ll come and lay by Pakhi’s feet, and it’s like all the stress melts away. The love Nomnom has for her is something she never expected—it’s deep and surprising, and it’s shown her just how much love she has to give.

“Nomnom is my emotional anchor. Whenever I’m feeling down or stressed, she’s there, offering comfort in her own special way. Her presence makes everything feel a little better, reminding me that I’m never alone,” she added.

Nomnom is the center of everything they do. There was an incident where her brother and herself were arguing over where to go out for dinner and were trying to get their parents on their side.

“And we were very high on emotions there. But then Nomnom had sensed that we were planning to go out and she started acting a certain way – all excited that she would be going too. And in less than a second my brother and I gave up on where we wanted to go and we instead went to a pet friendly restobar that nom loves. Like it did not even matter for another second what we wanted,” concluded Pakhi who is a wildlife conservationist.

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