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Writer's picturePawsAyur

Pets have the capability to make human bonds stronger

The two cats came to Sahil by chance. He was visiting a friend in Delhi and she had a stray cat come to her house balcony out of nowhere and deliver 5/6 kittens. She being allergic to cat fur, had given away most of the kittens to her friends. And these two siblings (a male Cat named Oyster and, a female - Tuxedo Cat named Buttons) were remaining and walked right into his lap as 4/5 month-old kittens.

Sahil was on shore and doing courses in Delhi, so he took care of them. After which they were brought to Mumbai by train by Sahil, while he did a few more courses there. But Buttons had a bad fall from the 4th floor flat in Mumbai and broke a lot of bones and merely survived. When it was time for Sahil to join his contract and sail out, he trusted his mother Vaishali More with the responsibilities of his two babies and brought them to Vizag on July 2 under her care.

Since then, Vaishali shared that her lifestyle has totally changed. It's like having two grandkids at home. She plans her day as per their schedule and has recently got the required safety measures done for the house entrance and windows as she stays on the 6th floor. Vaishali rushes home before their feeding time and playtime.

“I was never a pet person. Give me 10 kids to look after and I would have done it easily. But these two cats, who are like family members now have changed me into a pet parent. I got the spaying done of Buttons and taken care of her all by myself, being there for her when she was restless and irritated during her periods time. I have learned to take care of them, through constant guidance from my son and through articles, YouTube, and Instagram videos. It's wonderful to have two pets in the house who give love unconditionally and are not too demanding,” shared Vaishali who is an avid biker.

She added, “They add immense happiness to my life. They came to me while I was going through therapy and was going through a bad depression. Their presence, love and responsibility has given me purpose again in life and have added a lot of positivity to my life.”

“These two pets have bridged the gap between my son and me beautifully and we have started to bond once again and there is lot of expressive emotion shared between us now,” she concluded.

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