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Writer's pictureReshma Jain

Until we reunite at the Rainbow Bridge.

Pixie, a Shih Tzu, entered their lives when Amit and Sona had been married for ten years. They had reached a point where they had to accept that they couldn’t give their 7-year-old daughter, Niki, the sibling she longed for. Niki deeply felt the absence of a companion, and that’s when Pixie came, filled the space in their hearts and home.

Pixie stole their hearts in an instant, quickly becoming the center of their world. She was the most obedient and loving companion, forming unique bonds with each of them and carving out a special place for everyone in her life. Before they knew it, everything revolved around her—Sona’s work schedule, the maid’s timing, even their travel plans. Every decision they made had her in mind.

Pixie brought an abundance of positive energy into their lives. With Amit often away for work, she filled the void for Niki and Sona, becoming the glue that held them closer. She taught the family the true meaning of compassion and showed them how to love unconditionally. Through her, they discovered a deeper connection as a family.

“Pixie had an incredible ability to sense our emotions and could lift any of our spirits with ease. But we lost her eight months ago, on February 14, Valentine’s Day, when she broke our hearts. She was almost 9 years old,” shared Sona.

“Suddenly, even the simplest things became difficult, like walking through the front door without her there to greet us. At night, we still instinctively move our legs slowly in bed, careful not to disturb her, because her favourite spot was always between our legs. We still leave the bathroom door open, expecting her to wander in like she used to. And sometimes, we rush to clean up a puddle of water, thinking it’s one of her little accidents, only to remember she’s not there anymore,” said Sona.

Amit was never a dog person; he was 100% a cat person until Pixie came into their lives. In the beginning, his favorite line was, ‘I don’t love the dog, but I love my wife.’ But over time, that changed. When they lost her, Sona saw that Amit mourned her loss the most, even more than any of them. That’s how much they loved their Pixie girl, she became an inseparable part of their hearts.

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