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Writer's pictureReshma Jain

For the love towards India, walks and pets

Yati Gaur, the intrepid traveler traversing India's diverse landscapes with his beloved pet, is a true embodiment of passion, adventure, and a deep love for exploration. Hailing from a small town in northern India, Yati has always possessed an insatiable curiosity and a desire to witness the world firsthand. His thirst for adventure led him to embark on a remarkable journey across his homeland, accompanied by an extraordinary companion – his pet, Ms Butter.

Yati, a seasoned traveler and a fervent animal lover, firmly believes that pets can be remarkable travel companions, adding unparalleled joy, companionship, and adventure to every expedition. With Butter, a spirited and loyal canine by his side, Yati set out to explore the hidden gems, cultural wonders, and natural splendours of India.

“Butter cuter than the cuteness itself is my partner for all times,” exclaimed Yati Gaur who embarked on a journey along with his pet to explore India. “We met each other when I was doing my second walk in Rajasthan. Butter was as little as 1 month old; I carried her in my arms for 60 km and then later got a bag stitched to carry her in front. Since Butter was too small to walk with me, I decided to leave Butter at home for a while. After she turned 1.8 years old, we decided to stay together all the time and walk together. We started our practice sessions on the Himalayas of Uttarakhand before starting the longest walk of India,” added the young adventurer while Butter madam was listening to our conversation at a local cafe.

Yati, who has pursued his education in Cinematography, further shared that Butter has helped to understand dogs and the entire animal kingdom better. From being an animal admirer to an animal lover, Yati said that there has been a positive and phenomenal change in his life ever since butter stepped into his life. He knows how strong love can be, as she is even ready to give her life for him – a learning we need to learn from animals.

“My moods might swing due to various reasons but Butter would always have love on her plate for me. Of course, she gets furious with people who are after my luggage, but for me it’s always love,” laughed Yati who claims himself as ‘Man of half-knowledge’.

Recently, during the walk, Butter met with an accident near Odisha. While Yati was trying to save dogs on the highway, two dogs attacked Butter and she ran out of fear. She lost her tail and had to undergo a surgery. Yati was very sad and disturbed by the incident. However, his parents offered a special Pooja and prayers back at home and fed many dogs in the neighborhood for a speedy recovery post the accident.

“Every nook and corner of India is united by one thing called LOVE. On an average, we walk for 20- 25 kms per day and walking has been my best therapy since childhood,” concluded the young traveller who is also a flautist.

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