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Writer's picturePratiksha Jain

When a retriever’s love hit the right chord

Feeling low? looking for ways to uplift your mood? Well, when life’s challenges seem overwhelming, “a magical duet paired with the soothing notes of a melody and the gentle presence of your beloved furball can instantly paint your world with vibrant hues of hope”.

When Chandrika tied the knot with Tarun she imagined a life filled with love, laughter, and the gentle strumming of his guitar. What she didn’t anticipate was the wave of stress that came with balancing a new marriage, daily chores and the desire for a furry pal. Her life felt incomplete as if a key piece of a puzzle was missing and the remedy of her longing was none other than Zen.

Whenever Tarun picked up his guitar “Zen would perk up, his ears twitching to the strum of the strings and the gentle melodies seemed to soothe Zen who would sway gently to the rhythm”. It was as if Zen could feel the music from his soul transforming him into a peaceful, almost meditative zone.

Chandrika marveled at the way Zen responded to their guitar sessions. On particularly stressful days she would sit beside Zen feeling her worries vanish with each chord. It created a serene atmosphere and “Zen’s rhythmic tail taps added a whimsical touch to their musical evenings”.

Zen’s aversion to solitude was a charming aspect of his personality. He thrived on human interaction and hosting friends and family felt more enjoyable with Zen’s enthusiasm and his presence turned ordinary gatherings into joyful celebrations.

Chandrika feels Zen filled the void she felt and brought an extraordinary sense of harmony to their lives and she embraced her role as a pawrent knowing that together they have crafted a symphony of happiness that would play on forever and with that she signs off for Pawsayur.

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